Friday, July 20, 2007

Launch day coming! AQ staff have their quills at the ready

Accio Quote staff (me, Jules, Michael, Meann, Kadi and Kimmers) are ready to spring into action tomorrow to give you the highlights of today's Blue Peter interview ("Harry Potter - A Blue Peter Special" Friday 20 July 4:30pm - 5:00pm on BBC1). Of course we have a certain book to read too, so please be patient.

And a reminder that later today international fans can listen to Jo's reading at the London midnight launch, as it will be streaming live from at the precise moment it is published (12:01am BST on Saturday the 21st, but you can log on at beginning ten minutes before the stream starts). If you're not sure when that is your time, I created a handy clock -- just look for a city in your time zone. If you miss it, the video will remain accessible for two weeks.

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