Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Deathly Hallows Page Count!

Scholastic made their official announcement today about the page count for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: it will be 784 pages, which makes it the second largest book in the series. (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is 870 pages.)

Our new Accio Quote! staffer Jules dug up this quote from Jo's website which is quite apropos of the moment:
FEBRUARY 28th 2006
'This always happens. I make a plan, it looks nice and neat, then I get to actually write the book and realise that Harry can't possibly do all that in just one chapter. So what I thought were going to be two chapters have now become four. I still don't think the book [Book 7] will be as long as 'Phoenix', but if that keeps happening... no, it won't. I'm looking at the plan, and it can't. Surely. Please.

Nothing else I can tell you at the moment. Well, there's LOADS I could tell you at the moment, but I can't. Sorry'.
Jules and I say "Thanks for the extra chapters Jo!"

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