The hiatus was lovely. I went on hikes with my husband, got housework done, read slews of books (mostly old favorites), worked on a new version of the family website, and just relaxed. Prophecy was a blast, but it was an intense weekend on top of a really intense three months and I desperately needed a no-Potter-at-all break. Big thanks to AQ staffers Michael and Kim who got the Bloomsbury chat posted, and to Bel and Michele at the Lexicon who helped out with my character section over there.
I have posted a whole bunch of photos of Prophecy and the library's Potter parties over on my Flickr account. Only friends and family can see all of them (I don't have photo releases for the kids). Above is a really awesome Lockhart, all gussied up for the Grand Ball. Other notable costumes were the two Wizengamot ladies, and an amazing Umbridge who had three different outfits (including one with mud, leaves and centaur tracks all over it). She put my outfit for the local parties to shame. The Hagrid was good, but ours (Fergus!) was better. Hagrid often paired with a statuesque Madame Maxime, whom I couldn't resist photographing with John Granger.
Today I posted my summaries for the canon in the Bloomsbury chat. What a treasure trove of details that was! Soon I will begin adding the summaries to the theme pages.
That's all for now! I think I will post photos next.
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